General terms and conditions

The stated data were collected with care. No liability is accepted for accuracy and completeness. A brokerage agreement with the agent is automatically entered into when our brokerage services are being used. We are entitled to receive a commission to the maximum extent permitted by law upon conclusion of a legal transaction (hiring offer, purchase offer). The directives of the Austrian Brokers Statute BGBl. 262/1996 as well as the Regulation of the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs on Austrian brokers’ ethical values and values of conduct as determined by the Austrian Real Estate Brokers Regulations BGBl. 297/1996 apply. 297/1996. Austrian law is applicable, place of jurisdiction is Innsbruck. Should we are not be informed, verbally or in writing, immediately on receipt of these documents that you are already familiar with the items presented or they have already been shown to you by colleagues, we hereby reserve the right to place on record that we proceed on the premise that the first contact was undisputedly made by our office.

Acquisition expenses

In case of plans for purchasing (acquisition) a property in Austria, we would like to point out the following additional costs: 3% brokerage commission fee (plus 20% VAT), 3.5% real estate transfer tax, 1.1% land registration fee and other costs for contract preparation by a lawyer or a notary of your choice.

Service charges

In case of plans for renting (renting) a property in Austria, we would like to point out the following additional costs: 1 BMM brokerage commission fee (plus 20% VAT) up to 3 years rental period otherwise 2 BMM, the fee equals 1% of the gross rent accrued for the entire term of the contract (incl. VAT) set at a maximum of 18 times the annual value and other costs for contract preparation by a lawyer or a notary of your choice.

General terms and conditions